Illinois Homeowner Assistance Fund Expiring

Tuesday, 5 September 2023

A COVID-19 program helping people pay their mortgages is set to expire October 31st.    

The Illinois Housing Development Authority said the state's Homeowner Assistance Fund will no longer accept applications.    

Applications submitted before the deadline can still be reviewed for eligibility, but are not guaranteed approval, according to the Illinois Housing Development Authority.

"Any homeowner struggling to make their monthly payments due to lingering fallout from the pandemic should not hesitate and reach out today to see if you are eligible for this free assistance," said IHDA Executive Director Kristin Faust.    

Since April 2022, the development authority has provided more than $246 million to help Illinois homeowners affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.    

To see if you qualify or to apply, visit their website: illinoishousinghelpdot org.

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