Special Olympics Family Festival is Coming up at Lake Land College

Friday, 1 September 2023

The Special Olympics Family Festival is bringing together special olympic athletes for a day of fun filled activities at Lake Land College.
“The Special Olympics Family Festival is a wonderful event that impacts the lives of all who attend,” said Dave Breen, president and CEO of Special Olympics Illinois.
“It’s a beautiful day for volunteers, families and staff to come together to strengthen the bond of the Special Olympics Illinois community and most importantly celebrate our athletes.”

The people who volunteer have, in past years, helped special olympic atheletes with various activities, organizers said.

Volunteers will be paired up with a athlete as they participate in games and enjoy the day's entertainment, organizers said.

This will be the 40th event for the Special Olympics Family Festival with athletes from all over Illinois to participate September 16th, organizers said.

Volunteers are needed ages 16 and up, to sign up to be a volunteer visit https://soill.volunteerhub.com/vv2/lp/soff/.

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