Mayor of Tuscola Issues Declaration of Emergency

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

The Mayor of Tuscola issues a Declaration of Emergency in response to COVID-19.

The declaration was unanimously approved by the Tuscola City Council Monday evening, granting certain emergency powers to the mayor for up to 30 days.

The powers are "in order to ensure continued and effective local government response to the situation, and to help protect community members and public employees from exposure," according to a press released by the city.

The City of Tuscola has also made the following changes to its operations:

- City Hall, the Tuscola Community Building, and all city officies and facilities will be closed to the public until at last April 13, 2020, or until further notice.
(The Community Building is open for the Primary Election)

- Events scheduled at the Tuscola Community Building or Tuscola Senior Center have been canceled.

- The Tuscola Library has been closed to the public until further notice.

- The Tuscola Police Department will remain open, but residents are encouraged to call instead of walk-in visits, if possible.

- All meetings of committees, subdivisions, and other bodies of the City of Tuscola (including City Council) are canceled until at least the April 13th City Council meeting.

- Customers are encouraged to pay water/sewer bills by mail or by using the drop box outside City Hall. Late penalties will not be charged until further notice.

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