Mattoon goes Virtual for City Council Meetings

Monday, 30 March 2020

The Mattoon City Council says it's going virtual to protect public health.

The City says April's regular City Council meetings will be held online.

Officials say this will allow elected officials, department managers, and citizens to attend safely.

The meetings are set for April 7th and 21st. Officials say they will host a virtual Council Chamber thanks to Cisco Webex.

The April 7th meeting starts at 6:30 p.m., and attendees are asked to not connect to the meeting any sooner than 6:20 p.m. Residents can join the meeting in the following ways:
Meeting number:  622 838 419
Password:  GPk7c9x2JRr

Participants can also join by telephone using the details below.

Dial:  +1-312-535-8110
Access code: 622 838 419

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