PADS Moving

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

It's been talked about in Mattoon for months. A community shelter needs to move to a different location, but it's not that simple. News Watch's Jesse Guinn is following the story and joins us live in the studio with more. Mattoon Area PADS which stands for Public Action to Deliver Shelter, plans to move into a bigger building on Marshall Avenue; but first, they'll have to get approval from the city. Today I spoke with advocates fighting for the move, who say PADS is a special organization that just needs more space! Once again, the City Planning Commission will consider the permit request during its October 27th meeting. Stopka says they're only paying a dollar a month for the building they're staying in now but they won't be able to stay there much longer since the building has been sold. He says come December, that rent fee will go up to a thousand dollars.

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