This short-form television program is hosted by Brayden Armstrong, a 7th grade student in the Charleston, Ill., school district.
Charleston 7th graders featured as guests in the upcoming season include:
Episode 1, May 3:
Episode 2, May 10:
Episode 3, May 17:
Episode 4, May 24:
The idea of the show was originally developed during his sixth-grade year by Brayden, approved by the Jefferson Elementary School Principal, Mr. Ulm, and the CUSD #1 Superintendent, Mr. Vilardo. Once approved, Brayden selected students to interview to see what is really on the minds of our local youth when they are asked questions about school. Each Season 1 program was recorded at the Jefferson Elementary School library and Brayden as the show host talks one-on-one with the featured guest.