This is an early learning program focusing on math and literacy through transmedia for preschool children aged 2-8 along with their caregivers/providers and parents.
WEIU-TV, along with Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R), has formed a partnership to develop a "Community Impact Team." As stakeholders, we will strive to expand and collaborate with other university departments such as the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science as well as Early Childhood and Education.
As a collective impact team, the overarching goal is to improve learning outcomes for preschool children. We will strive to educate caregivers/providers/parents on how to bridge the technology gap for school readiness. The synergy and commitment of developing a strong foundation of math and literacy concepts for early learning will make a difference in a child’s life. Children are technology natives and when adults in their lives utilize multiple media platforms, connections that enhance and expand a child’s learning become more successful.
Contact Person
Ke'an Armstrong
- Educational Services Coordinator
ksarmstrong@eiu.edu | 217-581-7193